#1: 1996 HONDA CBR600 **
Vehicle Details
- VIN: JH2PC2506TM505622
- Stock #: 522471
- Odometer: 0 EXEMPT
- Model Year: 1996
- Make: HONDA
- Model: CBR600
- Doors:
- Body Type: Motorcycle - Sport
- Engine Size:
- Trans:
- Drivetrain:
- Fuel Type:
- Color:
Vehicle Condition / Title
- Request Abandoned Paperwork
Vehicle Description
***Vehicles are sold AS IS, where is, with no warranty from the seller.***
Be sure to add auction@weilwrecker.com to your email address list. If you do not see emails from us, please check your Spam or Junk folder.
Title Paperwork Disclosure: Vehicles are sold as parts only unless paperwork or a title is shown to be available. If available, the title application fee is $50 per vehicle, and the application will be completed within the next three weeks. Buyer is responsible for sales tax of 4.75%.
If the buyer provides a copy of a business/dealer license and sales tax exemption certificate, no sales tax will be collected.
If there is a problem obtaining a title, the seller will reimburse the buyer for only the amount paid for the vehicle, the paperwork, and the sales tax. This does not apply to vehicles sold as parts only.